“Words can be like X-rays if you use them properly – they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.”Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

R. Scott Boyer has written a variety of critically acclaimed stories, starting in 2018 with his debut novel, Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy. His other completed works include Temple of Eternity and House Guests (spec screenplay), plus two unpublished young adult adventures in the Bobby Ether series.

Accolades for his projects include: IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award (Silver Medalist), Book Fest Best Book Awards (Finalist), Eric Hoffer Award (Gold Medal Finalist), ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition (Finalist), and two bonus book club selections by The International Pulpwood Queens Book Club, as well as Chicago Screenplay Awards (Semi-Finalist).

Raised in Santa Monica, California, Scott still resides in the Los Angeles area close to his family.

Amber Hope is a marketing director, pastry artist and aspiring writer, born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. This wife and mother is a recent migrant to the South Carolina Lowcountry who believes that great stories can result from mundane tasks when viewed from a new perspective.  Her current work in progress is, I’m Only Here for The Weather — a collection of essays based on true events, set in the rural south and told from the author’s humorous point of view where she haphazardly navigates culture shock, motherhood, aging, religion and her desire to be accepted. Veronica’s other works include a strongly worded email to the HOA, as well as co-author of an apology letter to her daughter’s sixth grade substitute teacher. Her musings can be found on Main Street Writes and at Veronicahopewrites.com

Rebecca Johnson

Rebecca Johnson — Nurse by day, writer by any other moment that presents itself, Rebecca has devoted herself to the study of writing as a form of art. Though lacking any formal education on the subject, Rebecca has risen from a closet-writer, to a platform writer on Inkitt, to an award-winning Inkitt author, to earning her first publication through Bewildering Stories eZine. Her devotion to ferreting out the subtleties and nuances of authorship have earned her a seat as a panelist and educator in the 2023 Imaginarium writer’s conference where she will be teaching workshops based on her ongoing Inkitt novel, Becoming a Published Author, Roadmap to Rejection. 

Winner of Scribbler Editorial’s 2021 character contest and 2022 dialogue contest, Rebecca maintains an active role in Main Street Writes and on her social media where she frequently posts contest opportunities for others.

Syril Levin Kline is an educator, journalist, theater director, and performer who believes that challenging academic orthodoxy can lead to new insights and discoveries that enhance all fields of learning.

She believes that writers create within the context of their experience, and that by helping students connect an author with his or her work, we can enable them to see relationships between their own learning, thinking and writing.  

Lee Warren-a writer, poet, and amateur philosopher, currently resides in Summerville, SC. She sips wine and looks to the stars, while careening through space on a lovely blue ball, scribbling insights she gains along the way. Her current novel in progress is The Singing Stone—a metaphorical tale which imagines the power of harmony infused into a magical stone as the key to conquer the blight of evil. She approaches life as she dances—with desperate enthusiasm and wild abandon—which is to say,she laughs heartily, and falls down a lot.

Regina E. Williams is a founding member of the Metamorphosis Writer’s Collective and the “Ain’t I a Woman” Writers Collective, and a member of New Renaissance Writers Guild, and New Bones, a promotion/production group designed to promote black literature and music. She hails from New York and currently resides near Charleston, South Carolina.

Her first collection of short stories published in February of 2022 is entitled “Promise” and is available anywhere fine books are sold.

A.F. Winter has published books on acting, novels, plays, children’s books, photography and poetry, and has also written for several magazines. Writing and directing over three dozen plays, his productions have been seen in New York, Philadelphia, Florida, South Carolina, and Europe. Mr. Winter won the South Carolina Playwrights Festival, for his play, The Colliers. For ten years, he served as Artistic Director of Puck’s Theatre, a company that received national attention for its work with at-risk youth.  Mr. Winter has been a theatre teacher for more than twenty years. He has taught at college and in the public school system, grades 3-8. He has an M.F.A. in Theatre-Performance from the University of Florida, and lives in the South Carolina Lowcountry.

Andrew Zabriskie is a lifelong avid fan of high fantasy and science fiction, a.k.a. a total nerd. He lives in Charleston, SC with his phenomenal wife, two cuddly cats, and a very old, cantankerous horned frog with a penchant for world domination.

Andrew began writing at an early age, enjoying the power that words possess to take a reader’s imagination to faraway lands. In the eighth grade he made his first attempt to publish a full-length fantasy novel. In high school he won two gold keys in scholastic writing for science fiction short stories. A few years later, one of his poems was published in the National Library of Poetry.

When he’s not writing, Andrew spends his droplets of free time reading web comics, playing Magic: The Gathering with friends, and rewatching Joss Wedon’s Firefly because, well, it’s Firefly. He also enjoys kayaking, rock climbing, and travelling the countryside in his trusty Jeep Cherokee.

In 2001 he was introduced to the bible, and from its teachings he embraced a relationship with God, which inspired him to blend elements of that spiritual journey into his writing in the hopes of inspiring other to explore a similar experience.

Andrew is in the process of completing the Aveliria Trilogy, the first book of which, Hope Sundered, can be found for free on Inkitt.com.