By Lee Warren
Ban my book
Ban my book
Entice the curious
To take a look
What a fine way
To relay
That I have something
Powerful to say
Within the pages
A fire rages
That you can’t put out
With fear and doubt
Ban my book
Ban my book
And you give me
The perfect hook

Lee Warren-a writer, poet, and amateur philosopher, currently resides in Summerville, SC. She sips wine and looks to the stars, while careening through space on a lovely blue ball, scribbling insights she gains along the way. Her current novel in progress is The Singing Stone—a metaphorical tale which imagines the power of harmony infused into a magical stone as the key to conquer the blight of evil. She approaches life as she dances—with desperate enthusiasm and wild abandon—which is to say,she laughs heartily, and falls down a lot.